Join us in celebrating No-Till November! There are many benefits of no-till techniques, including:

  1. Soil erosion is significantly reduced, soil stays on your land,
  2. Increased soil aggregate stability, which benefits soil organisms, and reduces soil compaction,
  3. Improved water holding capacity and infiltration rates,
  4. Increased carbon sequestration,
  5. Crop residue provides food and habitat for wildlife above and below ground,
  6. Richer soil biology – more organic matter supporting a diverse soil biome,
  7. Healthier and more abundant crops,
  8. Save fuel, time, and money!!!

Tillage degrades the health and structure of soils, making the land less productive, less resilient and resistant to stress, more susceptible to pests and disease, and more dependent upon outside inputs to compensate for lost yields. Continue to check our page throughout November for more posts about the benefits of no-till.